this is how all started…


Since a few years ago, I (Karin) have always been involved in environmental causes but wanted to join my two main passions together: running and saving the planet. I was wondering for a while how could I use my skills to give back to the trails I have used for my enjoyment, to give back to my happy place. As I was training for my first 100km, I spent a long time on the local trails (I really mean looooong time). I realised the level of pollution beautiful places had, such as my local Yarra Bend Park, and the missing awareness from the trail community about the growing issue of trail litter. That’s how, during one of my long runs, I had this moment of enlightenment, and decided I needed more hands to help, as my running vest didn’t have enough room for all the rubbish I was finding out there.

And that’s how this “trash cult” became to life! With monthly events, we gathered together, picked up trash, ran, and enjoyed a social space to make friends while doing something for the planet! How simple is that?! I met amazing people, new friends, and shared this green message far away.

Now, we have transformed this rubbish collection addiction into more than just a weirdo running in leggings with a bag, and I can’t wait to see how “the plastic runner” takes us to new and amazing challenges! Because, how simple could be just to help the planet one plastic bottle at a time? Try it….but it might be addictive haha.
